Who We Are
(this includes you!)
Who Am I?
My name is Ali Marsh, but I don’t think that’s really what you want to know, is it? People want to know each other’s stories, so here’s mine: growing up, I was smart and athletic and sometimes funny, and I had some good people in my life. But I could never shake the feeling that there was something more for me. Despite doing all the things adults tell you to (I did well in school and extracurriculars, and graduated with honors so I could get a decent job and buy a house), I never found that big thing that felt like it lit me up…until now. You are a part of that great idea: I want to help you develop insight into who you truly are and unite you with others so that you can light the world! EmpowerMeant is the program I wish I’d had when I was younger.
I ask everyone in EmpowerMeant to finish the phrase “I am” with 3 statements. Here are mine:
I am a Colorado girl, through and through. I visited family here when I was young and fell in love with the mountains and the people; I felt like I could breathe and be myself here! It was my grade school dream to live in Colorado, and I was lucky enough to move here after graduating from college.
I love to learn. I love to ask questions, read, watch documentaries, listen to podcasts, and, most importantly, to have deep conversations with people about everything from the brain to culture to why dogs are so incredible!
I am happiest and most fulfilled when I’m witnessing others make progress on the things that matter most to them. Whether that’s overcoming a fear they’ve been struggling with or accomplishing a dream, those are the times I’m most overwhelmed with joy, awe, hope, and gratitude. EmpowerMeant was built with this in mind: it’s my way to witness and make a difference in the world.
I love working with young people. You’re smart, funny, creative, and curious, and I’ve always known there was more for you, too! With EmpowerMeant, I’m going to make sure you feel empowered, connected, and confident; inspired yet grounded; and challenged, while remaining brave and resilient. You deserve to be seen so you can light the world!
Who Are You?
You are someone who deserves to be known, and I want you to be able to tell your story! Being young is hard: people have so many expectations of you, you have a million things happening every day, and let’s be honest: it’s wild out there—overwhelming seems to be the status quo! Meanwhile, you’re trying to figure out who you are and what’s important to you, which is actually what matters most!
Here’s my promise to you: regardless of how much you feel like you know yourself and what lights you up, by the time you finish this program, you will! For this to happen, you’ll need to be willing to answer questions and take a deep look at who you are and what you want. You’ll need to be honest and vulnerable. You’ll need to communicate and listen. You’ll need to be willing to learn and be challenged. In return, you’ll get a massive foundation of knowledge, guidance, and support. More importantly, you’ll feel seen, heard, understood, and empowered. You’ll be grounded in who you are and who you’re becoming. You’ll be ready to tell your story.
EmpowerMeant includes a diverse group of participants between the ages of 12-18. We meet as a group, and each participant invites a parent, guardian, or other important adult to join them. The people in this group will become your champions, encouraging you and supporting your revelation. Each session, we’ll navigate topics including friendship, coping, self-discovery, and the importance of having fun. The topics we discuss are meant to challenge you to think and act on them. The goals of EmpowerMeant are to help you get to know your passions, values, and unique genius deeply; to provide education, thoughtful conversation, and mentorship; and to empower you to become known so you can go out and light the world!
Are you a parent, or someone who thinks the world of a young person you know?
EmpowerMeant is the program we wish we would have had when we were young. Most of us were taught to do the “safe thing”: get good grades and join clubs so we could get into a great school, and then land a solid job so we could buy a house and have a family. That was the formula for living the dream. But often that left us wondering about that other thing we could have done that had the potential to truly make a difference. We needed people willing to say, “Go for it; I’ll help you get there!” rather than, “Play it safe.”
Well, we have a chance to change that for the kids we love so deeply. I want our kids to live lives where they feel fulfilled, brimming with bravery, laughter, and love. EmpowerMeant will privilege them with insight into themselves and their big ideas, and unite them with people dedicated to their evolution who will assert, “I see you and I want you to be known!”
EmpowerMeant includes a diverse group of participants between the ages of 12-18. A parent, guardian, or other important adult accompanies each participant. Each session, the group navigates a new topic, including self-discovery, communication, friendship, coping, and the importance of prioritizing fun. The topics discussed are research-backed, and they’ll challenge participants to think and act on them. The goal of EmpowerMeant is to help participants discover and navigate the intersection of their unique genius, values, and big ideas; to provide education, support, and mentorship; and to empower participants to be truly known so they can shine their light in the world!